Wednesday, 29 April 2015

What Lottery back-up-plan??

Is it still worth the effort?? I mean this week’s Eurolottery pot was only £10million!! After last month’s monster £72,000,000 pot, it feels a little flat. Now I’ll have to make a new to-do list that’s a little smaller and far less opulent than the one I’d made last month. What’s worse, my plan to change the world has been put on hold!!
What sort of a world do we live in where you buy less tickets to the massive Eurolottery just because the pot has shrunk to a lowly £10,000,000. The man in front of me at Tesco’s yesterday actually told his wife to “only play 1 line, it’s only £10 million”!!!!! How much money does he have??

Now that the monster that was £72million and £56million pots have gone, and me being no closer to winning than before, it’s time for a back-up plan to my lottery plan. Just to clarify, your new back-up plan shouldn’t include overtime or working more. It should be something that involves a massive cheque and a “thank you for playing” speech at the end of it. OK that might not be a realistic back-up plan, but it sure does make one hell of a “if only” plan.

We’ve put together a few top jackpots on the Lottery back-up page at MyBB so check out the games. Some of these pots have been around for a while and seriously need emptying. Good Luck!

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