Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Is this the end for 666Bet??

The wagons are circling on 666Bet as one of its directors is arrested in a £21m fraud investigation. Although 666Bet are saying that the arrest had nothing to do with the day-to-day running of the gambling site, the UK Gambling Commission has suspended their gaming licence.
What initially appeared to be a singular tax evasion issue by one of their directors has quickly spun into an all-out investigation into their whole operation. HMRC and the National Crime agency are investigating a litany of fraud, tax evasion and money-laundering offences.

A total of six other employees have been subsequently arrested and thirteen properties have been raided. Reports of cash in excess of £1 million have been seized as part of the on-going investigation. Leyton Orient have also terminated their sponsorship deal with 666Bet.

As things stand, 666Bet have been suspended but not permanently shut down as the investigation is still on-going, but if you try to access their website then all you’ll get is a “down due to maintenance" message. 

Will they be back? Unlikely in their current form, but the gaming world has a way of bouncing back. Could they be the first internet Gambling Company to be caught out with the introduction of the Point of Consumption Tax which was introduced this year? If so, then they won’t be the only ones.

Watch this space for further updates.

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